Everything you need to know about Gutenberg
We find that folks fall into one of two camps when it comes to WordPress and what is going on with Gutenberg: Camp #1: No idea what is going on. Camp #2: They know about it and are afraid of it. What is Gutenberg? No, it is not named after Steve, arguably one of the […]
SSLs Explained!
With Apple’s Safari and now Google Chrome actively warning users if a site is not encrypted now is a good time learn about SSLs. Fortunately the folks at ManageWP have put together this great article which goes into detail about the differences between SSLs. The article covers the differences between free and paid certificates and […]
DOCMan to WP Download Manager with Excel VLOOKUP
If you are also in the position of moving from Joomla!’s DOCman to WP Download Manager you may find yourself needing to reassign categories for your entries. DOCman’s categories exist within DOCman whereas WP Download Manager’s categories exist with other categories within the site. Fortunately, Excel presents a quick and easy way to do this. […]
Sononaco is now Wave Motion Digital
Sononaco/Wave Motion Digital owner and president Keith Hall had this to say today: https://player.vimeo.com/video/253678626 I started the company 11 years ago with a handful of clients. When it came time to pick a company name I couldn’t think of anything original so I thought, “what if I leave the company name blank and just call […]
Some No-Name Company finally gets a name!
We are excited to share some BIG news with you. On February 1st, 2018 Some No-Name Company will finally get a real name. That’s right. After an incredible 11 year journey we felt that it was time to refresh our brand to better reflect our business and reaffirm our vision: to be your one-stop-shop for […]
Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities: On it.
This week a web vulnerability was discovered that impacts virtually every processor manufactured since 1995. The vulnerability is being referred to as “Meltdown” and “Spectre”. Of course, we want you to know that we’ve got you covered. Most of our servers run a variant of the RedHat Linux operating system which released patches for the […]
How about an onslaught of 1.5 million unexpected visitors over July 4th weekend? OK!
The Friday before the 4th of July weekend we got word that a story on our client’s site, SammichesPsychMeds.com was struggling to handle a sudden traffic surge. We have hosted Sammiches & Psych Meds, a parenting, humor, and lifestyle website for a couple of years, which generally gets between 5,000 and 20,000 visits per day. Prior […]
[nginx/php-fpm] curl: (56) SSLRead() return error -9806: how we fixed it
tl;dr: Back up /etc/nginx, uninstall nginx, install the latest version of nginx, restore your /etc/nginx backup. Recently our own site was experiencing SSL connection issues. We first noticed it in Safari when connecting to wavemotiondigital.com and another site we host on the same server, both using SSLs. Oddly enough, another site hosted on the same […]
CodeinWP: Are Maintenance Companies worth the Money or DIY?
Since we launched SononaCare we have noticed an uptick in companies offering similar plans. This is a solid indicator of the growing demand for WordPress security. WordPress has always touted itself as being simple to use and it is — until something goes wrong. Nobody dreams of getting a WSOD (White Screen of Death) with no or outdated backups and […]
Use rsync & WP-CLI to painlessly move a WordPress site without plugins
Moving a WordPress site from one domain to another has always been a pain, since WordPress stores hashed information based on the length of the domain name in the database. Not being bound to a single domain name is one of the things that Drupal and Joomla get right and makes it easy for developers […]