WordPress 4.9.6 Release Candidate 1 is here (and just in time for GDPR)

With the quickly approaching compliance date for the new GDPR regulations, as well as a spate of recent bugs in beta 1, the latest WordPress release, 4.9.6 Release Candidate 1 is right on time and available for download now. The release addresses 30 bug fixes, many related to the new privacy tools being implemented to […]

GDPR and You (and Us)

As this business week comes to a close, much has been written about the upcoming General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a new regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy for all individuals within the European Union. While the law originates in the EU, it also addresses the export of personal data […]

Sononaco is now Wave Motion Digital

Sononaco/Wave Motion Digital owner and president Keith Hall had this to say today: https://player.vimeo.com/video/253678626 I started the company 11 years ago with a handful of clients. When it came time to pick a company name I couldn’t think of anything original so I thought, “what if I leave the company name blank and just call […]

Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities: On it.

This week a web vulnerability was discovered that impacts virtually every processor manufactured since 1995. The vulnerability is being referred to as “Meltdown” and “Spectre”. Of course, we want you to know that we’ve got you covered. Most of our servers run a variant of the RedHat Linux operating system which released patches for the […]

SononaCare, PHP7, CentOS 7, Free SSLs, Piwik and more!

Today we dropped quite a few announcements for our customers. In this blog post we will break down each point individually and go a bit more in-depth on the topics covered. SononaCare We previously performed maintenance and updates to client sites as a courtesy to our customers. The update process, however, has become complex requiring constant attention […]

Chat arrives in Kerio Connect!

A long-requested feature has arrived in Kerio – integrated instant messaging within the webmail interface! Kerio Connect has long had an instant messaging feature which can be accessed using third party software such as Apple’s Messages, Adium, Pidgin and Trillian but chat has never been part of the webmail interface until now. And it’s seamless:   We were […]