We ran into a unique case recently where a client needed to connect two domains so they were essentially on the same domain. Let’s say one domain was DOMAIN_B.DEV and the other was DOMAIN_A.COM. What you are trying to do is make each domain’s GAL (Global Address Listing) available to each other. This must be […]
The Vatican Moves to Zimbra

If it’s secure enough for the Pontiff… Vatican City has consolidated all of their various email technologies into an on-premises hosted Zimbra solution. The Dicastery faced an all too common situation. They hadto integrate different groups, with different email platforms and data in different datacenters, onto one email system. They had users on Oracle Communications […]
Zimbra Drive working with the latest version of NextCloud

As of this writing the version of NextCloud is but should changes be required this post will be updated. Zimbra Drive is officially supported up to NextCloud 18. However, NextCloud 18 is not longer being supported. Getting Zimbra Drive to work with the latest version of NextCloud is pretty straightforward but requires some modifications to […]
Zimbra SMTP relay for multiple domains via MailGun or other provider

Recently we had a request to set up a dedicated relay for one of our clients through a third party. On the server we had another client who was using a separate relay. After finding differing takes on the process – neither of which worked properly – we found the perfect combination. For reference, we […]
9/5: Internal (webmail view) chat services offline
The recent upgrade of our mail server last evening has knocked the internal instant messaging service offline. […]
Mail server upgrade 9/4/14 11PM EDT
We will be upgrading the mail server to the latest version, 8.5, this evening beginning at approximately 11PM. […]