Use rsync & WP-CLI to painlessly move a WordPress site without plugins

Moving a WordPress site from one domain to another has always been a pain, since WordPress stores hashed information based on the length of the domain name in the database. Not being bound to a single domain name is one of the things that Drupal and Joomla get right and makes it easy for developers […]

Surprise! WordPress 4.7.5 is here!

On the evening of May 16th, 2017 around 6:30 PM notifications began rolling in that WordPress 4.7.5 update was available. There have not been many details about the update but this is not the first time WordPress has released an update with an undisclosed patch included. WordFence, also released a statement about the release which we encourage […]

5/12/17: Massive Global Windows Ransomware Attack Underway

WordFence sent the following alert today: A massive global ransomware attack on machines running the Windows operating system is underway and spreading quickly. We have published a public service announcement that gives you a high level overview of the attack along with advice on how to protect yourself. Please be vigilant when opening attachments from […]

SononaCare, PHP7, CentOS 7, Free SSLs, Piwik and more!

Today we dropped quite a few announcements for our customers. In this blog post we will break down each point individually and go a bit more in-depth on the topics covered. SononaCare We previously performed maintenance and updates to client sites as a courtesy to our customers. The update process, however, has become complex requiring constant attention […]

BIG WordPress Vulnerability Patched in 4.7.2

The release of WordPress 4.7.2 fixed 3 issues which were made known a fourth critical issue with the WordPress REST API which could result in an unauthorized privilege escalation (in normal-people terms: “somebody could post to your site who did not have permission to do so”). The guys at WP Tavern have an in-depth article on the vulnerability. As […]

WordPress 4.x random crashes on nginx/PHP-FPM with SSH2

Hat tip to the Ubuntu bugs mailing list for pointing us in the right direction in solving this problem. Like any good WordPress host we are using SSH keys to provide secure FTP communications for installing/updating our WordPress sites.  Recently we noticed a perplexing issue where WordPress 4.x would crash when accessing the Settings screen or trying to delete a plugin. […]