SononaCare, PHP7, CentOS 7, Free SSLs, Piwik and more!

Today we dropped quite a few announcements for our customers. In this blog post we will break down each point individually and go a bit more in-depth on the topics covered. SononaCare We previously performed maintenance and updates to client sites as a courtesy to our customers. The update process, however, has become complex requiring constant attention […]

Custom Plugins vs. your theme’s functions.php file

It is standard practice for us to create custom plugins for our clients’ WordPress sites. We go the custom route (rather than plopping them into the functions.php file) for 3 reasons: Portability – you can change themes and not lose the custom functionality – plus you can switch to a default theme to debug problems and not break everything […]

Remove New Relic JavaScript from WordPress AMP Pages

Having problems with New Relic scripts invalidating your WordPress AMP pages? Add this to your functions.php file: /** Disable New Relic Scripts in AMP Pages */ function disable_newrelic_for_amp_pages() { if ( function_exists( ‘is_amp_endpoint’ ) && is_amp_endpoint() ) { if (extension_loaded(‘newrelic’)) { newrelic_disable_autorum( true ); } } } add_action(‘init’, ‘disable_newrelic_for_amp_pages’); We put this into a plugin […]